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Complete reference guide to the Management SDK

Complete reference guide to the Management SDK

The first thing that needs to be done is initiating an instance of Contentful\Management\Client by giving it an access token. All actions performed using this instance of the Client will be performed with the privileges of the user this token belongs to.

$client = new \Contentful\Management\Client('access-token');

When working with space-scoped or environment-scoped resources, you can use proxies. They are lazy-references to a space or an environment, and they allow you to avoid repeating the space and environment ID when making API calls:

// Without space proxy
$deliveryApiKeys = $client->getDeliveryApiKeys($spaceId);
$roles = $client->getRoles($spaceId);

// With space proxy
$spaceProxy = $client->getSpaceProxy($spaceId);
$deliveryApiKeys = $spaceProxy->getDeliveryApiKeys();
$roles = $spaceProxy->getRoles();

// Without environment proxy
$assets = $client->getAssets($spaceId, $environmentId);
$entries = $client->getEntries($spaceId, $environmentId);

// With environment proxy
$environmentProxy = $client->getEnvironmentProxy($spaceId, $environmentId);
$assets = $environmentProxy->getAssets();
$entries = $environmentProxy->getEntries();

In the following guide, snippets will be using $environmentProxy and $spaceProxy whenever possible.


Api Keys

Name Scope Fetch one Fetch collection Available actions
DeliveryApiKey Space $spaceProxy->getDeliveryApiKey($deliveryApiKeyId) $spaceProxy->getDeliveryApiKeys($query = null) Create, delete, update
PreviewApiKey Space $spaceProxy->getPreviewApiKey($previewApiKeyId) $spaceProxy->getPreviewApiKeys($query = null) -


$deliveryApiKeys = $spaceProxy->getDeliveryApiKeys();
$deliveryApiKey = $spaceProxy->getDeliveryApiKey($deliveryApiKeyId);

echo $deliveryApiKey->getSystemProperties()->getId();
echo $deliveryApiKey->getName();
echo $deliveryApiKey->getAccessToken();
$previewApiKeyLink = $deliveryApiKey->getPreviewApiKey();

$previewApiKey = $spaceProxy->resolveLink($previewApiKeyLink);
echo $previewApiKey->getAccessToken();

Creating and modifying:

$deliveryApiKey = new \Contentful\Management\Resource\DeliveryApiKey('Mobile');

echo $deliveryApiKey->getSystemProperties()->getId();
echo $deliveryApiKey->getAccessToken();



Name Scope Fetch one Fetch collection Available actions
Asset Environment $environmentProxy->getAsset($assetId) $environmentProxy->getAssets($query = null) Create, delete, update, archive, unarchive, publish, unpublish, process


$assets = $environmentProxy->getAssets();
// Optionally, pass a query object
$query = (new \Contentful\Management\Query())
$assets = $environmentProxy->getAssets($query);

$asset = $environmentProxy->getAsset($assetId);

echo $asset->getSystemProperties()->getId();
echo $asset->getTitle('en-US');

Creating and modifying:

$asset = new \Contentful\Management\Resource\Asset();
$file = new \Contentful\Core\File\RemoteUploadFile('Contentful.svg', 'image/svg+xml', $url);
$asset->setTitle('en-US', 'My asset')
    ->setDescription('en-US', 'My description')
    ->setFile('en-US', $file);


// Omit the locale to process the files for all locales

$asset->setDescription('en-US', 'An even better description');




Content types and content type snapshots

Name Scope Fetch one Fetch collection Available actions
ContentType Environment $environmentProxy->getContentType($contentTypeId) $environmentProxy->getContentTypes($query = null) Create, delete, update, publish, unpublish
ContentTypeSnapshot Environment $environmentProxy->getContentTypeSnapshot($contentTypeId, $snapshotId) $environmentProxy->getContentTypeSnapshots($contentTypeId, $query = null) -


$contentTypes = $environmentProxy->getContentTypes();
// Optionally, pass a query object
$query = (new \Contentful\Management\Query())
$contentTypes = $environmentProxy->getContentTypes($query);

$contentType = $environmentProxy->getContentType($contentTypeId);

echo $contentType->getSystemProperties()->getId();
echo $contentType->getName();

// Fetch the published version of content types
$contentTypes = $environmentProxy->getPublishedContentTypes($query);
$contentType = $environmentProxy->getPublishedContentType($contentTypeId);

// Fetch snapshots from a content type, or from an environment proxy
$snapshots = $contentType->getSnapshots();
$snapshot = $contentTy->getSnapshot($snapshotId);

$snapshots = $environmentProxy->getContentTypeSnapshots($contentTypeId);
$snapshot = $environmentProxy->getContentTypeSnapshot($contentTypeId, $snapshotId);

Creating and modifying:

$contentType = new \Contentful\Management\Resource\ContentType('Blog Post');
$contentType->setDescription('My description');
$contentType->addNewField('Symbol', 'title', 'Title');
$contentType->addNewField('Text', 'body', 'Body');

$customContentTypeId = 'blogPost';
$environmentProxy->create($contentType, $customContentTypeId);

$contentType->addNewField('Date', 'publishedAt', 'Published At');



Field types

use Contentful\Management\Resource\ContentType\Field;

// Arrays of strings (Symbol) or links to either assets or entries
$array = new Field\ArrayField(
  string $id,
  string $name,
  string $itemsType, // Either "Symbol" or "Link"
  string $itemsLinkType = null // If $itemsType is "Link", then either "Asset" or "Entry"
// Methods specific to this field
$array->setItemsType(string $itemsType);
$array->setItemsLinkType(string $itemsLinkType);
$array->setItemsValidations(ValidationInterface[] $itemsValidations);
$array->addItemsValidation(ValidationInterface $validation);

// Booleans
$boolean = new Field\BooleanField(string $id, string $name);

// Dates, with hours
$date = new Field\DateField(string $id, string $name);

// Integer numbers
$integer = new Field\IntegerField(string $id, string $name);

// Links to either assets or entries
$link = new Field\LinkField(
    string $id,
    string $name,
    string $linkType // Either "Asset" or "Entry"
// Methods specific to this field
$array->setLinkType(string $linkType);

// Location coordinates, with latitude and longitured
$location = new Field\LocationField(string $id, string $name);

// Float numbers
$number = new Field\NumberField(string $id, string $name);

// Any JSON-convertible object
$object = new Field\ObjectField(string $id, string $name);

// Strings
$symbol = new Field\SymbolField(string $id, string $name);

// Long text
$text = new Field\TextField(string $id, string $name);

// Shared methods

$field->setRequired(bool $required);

$field->setLocalized(bool $localized);

$field->setDisabled(bool $disabled);

$field->setOmitted(bool $omitted);

$field->setValidations(ValidationInterface[] $validations);
$field->addValidation(ValidationInterface $validation);


use Contentful\Management\Resource\ContentType\Validation;

// Applicable to:
// - Link (to assets)
$assetFileSize = new Validation\AssetFileSizeValidation($min = null, $max = null);

// Applicable to:
// - Link (to image assets)
$assetImageDimentions = new Validation\AssetImageDimensionsValidation(int $minWidth = null, int $maxWidth = null, int $minHeight = null, int $maxHeight = null);

// Applicable to:
// - Date
$dateRange = new Validation\DateRangeValidation(string $min = null, string $max = null);

// Applicable to:
// - Symbol
// - Text
// - Integer
// - Number
$in = new Validation\InValidation(array $values = []);

// Applicable to:
// - Link (to entries)
$linkContentType = new Validation\LinkContentTypeValidation(array $contentTypes = []);

// Applicable to:
// - Link (to assets)
$linkMimetypeGroup = new Validation\LinkMimetypeGroupValidation(array $mimeTypeGroups = []);

// Applicable to:
// - Integer
// - Number
$range = new Validation\RangeValidation(int $min = null, int $max = null);

// Applicable to:
// - Symbol
// - Text
$regexp = new Validation\RegexpValidation(string $pattern = null, string $flags = null);

// Applicable to:
// - Array
// - Symbol
// - Text
$size = new Validation\SizeValidation($min = null, $max = null);

// Applicable to:
// - Symbol
// - Integer
// - Number
$unique = new Validation\UniqueValidation();

Editor interfaces

Name Scope Fetch one Fetch collection Available actions
EditorInterface Environment $environmentProxy->getEditorInterface($contentTypeId) - update

Fetching and updating

$editorInterface = $environmentProxy->getEditorInterface($contentTypeId);

/** @var \Contentful\Management\Resource\EditorInterface\Control $control */
$control = $editorInterface->getControl('website');


Entries and entry snapshots

Name Scope Fetch one Fetch collection Available actions
Entry Environment $environmentProxy->getEntry($entryId) $environmentProxy->getEntries($query = null) create, delete, update, archive, unarchive, publish, unpublish
EntrySnapshot Environment $environmentProxy->getEntrySnapshot($entryId, $snapshotId) $environmentProxy->getEntries($entryId, $query = null) -


$entries = $environmentProxy->getEntries();
// Optionally, pass a query object
$query = (new \Contentful\Management\Query())
$entries = $environmentProxy->getEntries($query);

$entry = $environmentProxy->getEntry($entryId);

echo $entry->getSystemProperties()->getId();
echo $entry->getField('title', 'en-US');

// Fetch snapshots from an entry, or from an environment proxy
$snapshots = $entry->getSnapshots();
$snapshot = $entry->getSnapshot($snapshotId);

$snapshots = $environmentProxy->getEntrySnapshots($contentTypeId);
$snapshot = $environmentProxy->getEntrySnapshot($entryId, $snapshotId);

Creating and modifying:

$entry = new \Contentful\Management\Resource\Entry($contentTypeId);
$entry->setField('title', 'en-US', 'My awesome blog post');
$entry->setField('body', 'en-US', 'Something something...');


$entry->setField('body', 'en-US', 'Updated body');





Name Scope Fetch one Fetch collection Available actions
Environment Space $spaceProxy->getEnvironment($environmentId) $spaceProxy->getEnvironments($query = null) create, delete, update


$environments = $spaceProxy->getEnvironments();
// Optionally, pass a query object
$query = (new \Contentful\Management\Query())
$environments = $spaceProxy->getEnvironments($query);

$environment = $spaceProxy->getEnvironment($environmentId);

echo $environment->getSystemProperties()->getId();
echo $environment->getName();

Creating and modifying:

$environment = new \Contentful\Management\Resource\Environment('QA');

$environmentId = $environment->getSystemProperties()->getId();

// An environment might take a while to create,
// depending on the size of the master environment,
// so it might be a good idea to poll it until it's ready.
do {
    $environment = $spaceProxy->getEnvironment($environmentId);
    $status = $environment->getSystemProperties()->getStatus()->getId();
} while ($status !== 'ready');



Name Scope Fetch one Fetch collection Available actions
Locale Environment $environmentProxy->getLocale($localeId) $environmentProxy->getLocales($query = null) create, delete, update


$locales = $environmentProxy->getLocales();
// Optionally, pass a query object
$query = (new \Contentful\Management\Query())
$locales = $environmentProxy->getLocales($query);

$locale = $environmentProxy->getLocale($localeId);

echo $locale->getSystemProperties()->getId();
echo $locale->getName();
echo $locale->getCode();

Creating and modifying:

$locale = new \Contentful\Management\Resource\Locale('English (United States)', 'en-US');



Name Scope Fetch one Fetch collection Available actions
Organization - - $client->getOrganizations($query = null) -


$organizations = $client->getOrganizations();
$organization = $organizations[0];

echo $organization->getSystemProperties()->getId();
echo $organization->getName();

Personal access tokens

Name Scope Fetch one Fetch collection Available actions
PersonalAccessToken - $client->getPersonalAccessToken($personalAccessTokenId) $spaceProxy->getPersonalAccessTokens($query = null) create, update, revoke


$personalAccessTokens = $client->getPersonalAccessTokens();
// Optionally, pass a query object
$personalAccessTokens = (new \Contentful\Management\Query())
$personalAccessTokens = $client->getPersonalAccessTokens($query);

$personalAccessToken = $client->getPersonalAccessToken($personalAccessTokenId);

echo $personalAccessToken->getSystemProperties()->getId();
echo $personalAccessToken->getName();

Creating and modifying:

$readOnly = false;
$personalAccessToken = new \Contentful\Management\Resource\PersonalAccessToken('Development access token', $readOnly);

// For security reasons, the actual token will only be available after creation.
echo $personalAccessToken->getToken();



Name Scope Fetch one Fetch collection Available actions
Role Space $spaceProxy->getRole($roleId) $spaceProxy->getRoles($query = null) create, delete, update


$roles = $spaceProxy->getRoles();
// Optionally, pass a query object
$query = (new \Contentful\Management\Query())
$roles = $spaceProxy->getRoles($query);

$role = $spaceProxy->getRole($roleId);

echo $role->getSystemProperties()->getId();
echo $role->getName();

Creating and modifying:

$role = new \Contentful\Management\Resource\Role('Publisher');

$policy = new \Contentful\Management\Resource\Policy('allow', 'publish');

$constraint = new \Contentful\Management\Resource\Role\Constraint\AndConstraint([
    new \Contentful\Management\Resource\Role\Constraint\EqualityConstraint('sys.type', 'Entry'),
    new \Contentful\Management\Resource\Role\Constraint\EqualityConstraint('sys.type', 'Asset'),

$permissions = $policy->getPermissions();




use Contentful\Management\Resource\Role\Constraint;

$equality = new Constraint\EqualityConstraint(
    string $doc, // The JSON path of a property, for instance "sys.type"
    mixed $value // The required value, for instance "Entry"

// Requires that all constraints be satisfied
$and = new Constraint\AndConstraint(Constraint\ConstraintInterface[] $constraints);

// Requires that only one constraint be satisfied
$or = new Constraint\OrConstraint(Constraint\ConstraintInterface[] $constraints);

// Negates the content of the inner constraint
$not = new Constraint\NotConstraint(Constraint\ConstraintInterface $constraint);



$spaces = $client->getSpaces();
// Optionally, pass a query object
$query = (new \Contentful\Management\Query())
$spaces = $client->getSpaces($query);

$space = $client->getSpace($spaceId);

echo $space->getSystemProperties()->getId();
echo $space->getName();

Creating and modifying:

$space = new \Contentful\Management\Resource\Space('Website', $organizationId, $defaultLocaleCode);


Space memberships

Name Scope Fetch one Fetch collection Available actions
SpaceMembership Space $spaceProxy->getSpaceMembership($environmentId) $spaceProxy->getSpaceMemberships($query = null) create, delete, update


$spaceMemberships = $spaceProxy->getSpaceMemberships();
// Optionally, pass a query object
$query = (new \Contentful\Management\Query())
$spaceMemberships = $spaceProxy->getSpaceMemberships($query);

$spaceMembership = $spaceProxy->getSpaceMembership($spaceMembershipId);

echo $spaceMembership->getSystemProperties()->getId();
echo $spaceMembership->getUser()->getId();

Creating and modifying:

$spaceMembership = new \Contentful\Management\Resource\SpaceMembership();



Name Scope Fetch one Fetch collection Available actions
Upload Space $spaceProxy->getUpload($uplaodId) - create, delete


$upload = $spaceProxy->getUpload($uploadId);

echo $upload->getSystemProperties()->getId();

Creating and modifying:

// You can pass as argument an fopen resource, an actual string, or a PSR-7 compatible stream
$upload = new \Contentful\Management\Resource\Upload(\fopen($myFile, 'r'));

$asset = new \Contentful\Management\Resource\Asset();
$asset->setFile('en-US', $upload->asAssetFile());




UI extensions

Name Scope Fetch one Fetch collection Available actions
Extension Environment $environmentProxy->getExtension($environmentId) $environmentProxy->getExtensions($query = null) create, delete, update


$extensions = $environmentProxy->getExtensions();
// Optionally, pass a query object
$query = (new \Contentful\Management\Query())
$extensions = $environmentProxy->getExtensions($query);

$extension = $environmentProxy->getExtension($extensionId);

echo $extension->getSystemProperties()->getId();
echo $extension->getName();

Creating and modifying:

$extension = new \Contentful\Management\Resource\Extension('My awesome extension');


$extension->addNewFieldType('Link', ['Entry']);



Name Scope Fetch one Fetch collection Available actions
User - $client->getUserMe() - -


$user = $client->getUserMe();

echo $user->getSystemProperties()->getId();
echo $user->getEmail();


Name Scope Fetch one Fetch collection Available actions
Webhook Space $spaceProxy->getWebhook($webhookId) $spaceProxy->getWebhooks($query = null) create, delete, update
WebhookCall Space $spaceProxy->getWebhookCall($webhookId, $callId) $spaceProxy->getWebhookCalls($webhookId, $query = null) -
WebhookHealth Space $spaceProxy->getWebhookHealth($webhookId) - -


$webhooks = $spaceProxy->getWebhooks();
// Optionally, pass a query object
$query = (new \Contentful\Management\Query())
$webhooks = $spaceProxy->getWebhooks($query);

$webhook = $spaceProxy->getWebhook($webhookId);

echo $webhook->getSystemProperties()->getId();
echo $webhook->getName();

// You can get calls and health from a webhook or from a space proxy
$calls = $webhook->getCalls();
$call = $webhook->getCall($callId);
$health = $webhook->getHealth();

$calls = $spaceProxy->getWebhookCalls($webhookId);
$call = $spaceProxy->getWebhookCall($webhookId, $callId);
$health = $spaceProxy->getWebhookHealth($webhookId);

echo $call->getStatusCode();
echo $call->getUrl();
echo $call->getEventType();

// Request and response are only available when querying the "single" endpoint,
// not the collection one:
// Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface
// Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface

echo $health->getTotal();
echo $health->getHealthy();

Creating and modifying:

$webhook = new \Contentful\Management\Resource\Webhook('Publish webhook', $url, ['Entry.publish']);

